J.S. Kang, J.-Y. Kim, J. Yoon, J. Kim, J. Yang, D.Y. Chung, M.-C. Kim, H. Jeong, Y.J. Son, B.G. Kim, J. Jeong, T. Hyeon, M. Choi*, M.J. Ko*, and Y.-E. Sung*,
“Room-Temperature Vapor Deposition of Cobalt Nitride Nanofilms for Mesoscopic an Perovskite Solar Cells”, Advanced Energy Materials 8, 17031114 (2018) (Selected as an Outside Front Cover Paper)
Y.H. Park, I. Jeong, S. Bae, H.J. Son, P. Lee, J. Lee, C.-H. Lee*, and M.J. Ko*,
Inorganic Rubidium Cation as an Enhancer for Photovoltaic Performance and Moisture Stability of HC(NH2)2PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells”, Advanced Functional Materials 27(16), 1605988 (2017)(Inside Front Cover Paper)
B. Koo, H. Jung, M. Park, J.-Y. Kim, H.J. Son, and M.J. Ko*,
“Pyrite-Based Bi-functional Layer for Long-term Stability and High Performance of Organo-Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells” Advanced Functional Materials, 26(30), 5400-5407 (2016) (Inside Front Cover Paper)
J. W. Jo, M.-S. Seo, M. Park, J.-Y. Kim, J.S. Park, I.K. Han, H. Ahn, B.-H. Son, M.J. Ko*, and H.J. Son*,
“Improving Performance and Stability of Flexible Planar-heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells using Polymeric Hole-transport Material”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (25), 4464-4471 (2016). (Inside Front Cover Paper)
Y. Li, S. Carretero-Palacios, K. Yoo, J.H. Kim, A.Solano, C.-H. Lee, H. Miguez*, and M.J. Ko*,
“Maximized performance of dye solar cells on plastic: a combined theoretical and experimental optimization approach”, Energy & Environmental Science, 9(6), 2061-2071 (2016)
J.-Y. Kim, J. Yang, J.H. Yu, W. Baek, C.-H. Lee, H.J. Son, T. Hyeon*, and M.J. Ko*,
“Highly Efficient Copper-Indium-Selenide Quantum Dot Solar Cells: Suppression of Carrier Recombination by Controlled ZnS Overlayers”, ACS Nano, 9 (11), 11286-11295 (2015).
I. Jeong, H.J. Kim, B.-S. Lee, H.J. Son, J.Y. Kim, D.-K. Lee, D.-E. Kim, J. Lee*, and M.J. Ko*,
“Highly efficient perovskite solar cells based on mechanically durable Molybdenum cathode”, Nano Energy, 17, 131-139 (2015).(Selected as a Back Cover Paper).
M. Park, H.-J. Kim, I. Jeong, J. Lee, H. Lee, H.J. Son, D.-E. Kim*, and M.J. Ko*,
“Mechanically Recoverable and Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells: Investigation of Intrinsic Flexibility of Organic-Inorganic Perovskite”, Advanced Energy Materials, 5, 1501406 (2015).(Selected as a Back Cover Paper).
S. Park, K. Yoo, J.-Y. Kim, J.Y. Kim, D.-K. Lee, B. Kim, H. Kim, J.H. Kim, J. Cho and M.J. Ko*,
“Water-based thixotropic polymer gel electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells” ACS Nano, 7 (5), 4050-4056 (2013).
Y. Li, K. Yoo, D.-K. Lee, J.Y. Kim, H. Kim, B. Kim, and M.J. Ko*,
“Photovoltaic properties of high efficiency plastic dye-sensitized solar cells employing interparticle binding agent “nanoglue”” Nanoscale, 5 (11), 4711-4719 (2013)(Front Cover Featured)
Y. Li, D.-K. Lee, J.Y. Kim, B. Kim, N.-G. Park, K. Kim, J.-H. Shin, I.S. Choi* and M.J.Ko*,
“Highly Durable and Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Fabricated on Plastic Substrates: PVDF-Nanofiber-Reinforced TiO2 Photoelectrodes” Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 8950-8957 (2012). (Back Cover Featured)